This competition is run every year in recognition of Beryl Laine a past member who died in a car accident in 2007.
Upon arrival at the Club each pair selects a playing card at random directing them to a numbered bridge table. Opponent pairs totally at random join them after having drawn the same number.
There were 8 teams this year.
Congratulations to the winning team comprised of Pat Maycock-Elliott, Tony Elliott and Sue and Maurice Watson.
The shield was presented to them by Chrissy Thomas...
The Club was able to donate the large sum of £829.30 to Lymington Hospital Friends this year. In 2020, the amount collected for charity by the Club was split between the LHF and another charity. To date we have now donated over £1000 to this worthwhile cause.
A cheque was presented this week to Ian Hynd Operations Manager (left) and David Mackew a trustee of the charity.
LHF is a charity that supports Lymington Hospital and therefore it benefits everyone who lives in our local area.